Oklahoma Introduced The Most Anti-LGBT Bills In The Country

According to Free Speech Radio News, the state of Oklahoma has the (dis)honor of introducing the most anti-LGBT bills in the country, many of which are written by organizations from outside the region. 

From Free Speech Radio News:

When the Oklahoma legislature convened February 1st, there were a record-setting 26 anti-LGBT bills on the docket. They included three transgender restroom exclusion bills, a bill that would make it illegal to ban controversial ex-gay therapy, and a bill preventing depressed youth from seeing a gay-affirming therapist.

Last month, Oklahoma’s Senate Judiciary committee voted down the “Oklahoma Right of Conscience Act.” That would have allowed businesses to refuse to serve gay people as long as they showed that it violated sincerely held religious beliefs on gay, lesbian or transgender behaviors. Many give the credit for its failure to the business community, led by AT&T, which lobbied hard against it.

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You can see the Oklahoma bills that we are following on our Legislation Tracker.