
Bullseye: The Religious Right Sets Its Sights On Protections For Transgender People

Target has announced that transgender people are welcome to use the bathroom of their choice in its stores, and some fundamentalist Christians are not pleased. The American Family Association (AFA) launched a petition and boycott in response to the chain’s announcement.

Faith 2 Action's Janet Porter Calls for Rehearing of Marriage Equality Case, Demands Help From Attorneys General

In an e-mail that's as abusive to the eyes as it is to the intellect, Faith 2 Action's Janet Porter has called upon the attorneys general of Ohio, Michigan, Tennessee, and Kentucky to join her motion to "Rehear Obergefell v. Hodges" before the Supreme Court (minus Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan, who must recuse themselves for performing marriages for same-sex couples). 

Ohio Same-Sex Couple Told Judge Did Not Perform "These Types of Marriages"

From The Blade:

"A same-sex couple from Toledo say they were delayed in getting married Monday when the bailiff for Toledo Municipal Court Judge C. Allen McConnell told them the judge didn't perform “these types of marriages.”