Another Blow For Kim Davis From The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals

Kim Davis might be out of jail and back in the office, but that doesn't mean that things are necessarily going well for her.

From The Washington Post:

Yesterday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit — which is in charge of appeals from federal courts in Kentucky (among other states) — refused to issue a preliminary injunction in favor of Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, who doesn’t want her name or office listed on Rowan County marriage certificates...right now the important conclusion is that her strongest claim, the one under the Kentucky Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), has to go to state court rather than federal court...

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The federal courts want nothing to do with this case, which reflects the lack of strength of her arguments above the state level.

Davis' media circus hasn't helped her case either. As Slate reports, a new ABC News/The Washington Post poll shows that an "overwhelming 74 percent of respondents believed that when a conflict arises between religious beliefs and equal treatment under the law, equality should win out. Moreover, 63 percent of respondents said that Davis should be required to issue marriage licenses despite her sincerely held religious beliefs." When compared to a worrying AP poll taken right after the Supreme Court's marriage equality decision in which 49% of those surveyed believed that government employees with sincere religious objections to issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples should be exempt, it's clear that the Kim Davis fiasco has dramatically swayed public opinion against her.

Judging from Davis' past actions (or at least those of her lawyers), this setback will be only temporary. We can expect to see her plugging along in court until she's either exhausted all legal recourse or the eyes of her Religious Right backers turn to greener pastures, whichever comes first.