Dizzying About-Face on Marriage Equality From Arkansas County Clerk

From The Arkansas Times Arkansas Blog:

"Channel 4's Greg Yarbrough tells me at 5 p.m. that reporter Marci Manley has talked with Van Buren Clerk Pam Bradford, who has not returned my calls. She tells Manley that she's spoken with an Arkansas attorney, Mike Rainwater, who provides legal advice to county governments through the Association of Arkansas Counties, and is now saying she will issue marriage licenses — and treat customers "with respect." This followed by about an hour a phone message to me from Mathew Staver, head of the Liberty Counsel in Texas, which said it had agreed to represent Bradford to defend her in resisting issuance of licenses."

Pam Bradford had previously stated in an e-mail memo circulated to all Van Buren County clerks that "I, nor the County Clerk's office will be issuing same sex marriage license. Other than this being against my Religious beliefs and 1st Amendment, the US Supreme Court has over-stepped their boundaries. Arkansans vote again same sex marriage. I will uphold the Law of Arkansas."

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