Establishment Of Conscience And Religious Freedom Division Of Health And Human Services' Office For Civil Rights

These notices create a new “Conscience and Religious Freedom Division” of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) civil rights office. The division would ensure that employees of healthcare providers can opt out of procedures when they have religious or moral objections and “punish” organizations that don’t give employees exemptions. Essentially, this will transform HHS’s Office for Civil Rights, which has always enforced nondiscrimination protections, into an office that sanctions discrimination.

Religious freedom is fundamental, but so is the right of patients to access the healthcare they need. The government should never allow the religious beliefs of a healthcare provider to come before what is best for the patient. 

Notice Status Released January 18, 2018

Notice Text Herehere, and here


New HHS Office On ‘Religious Freedom’ Endangers Americans’ Health, Says Americans United

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The Trump Administration Plans To Allow Religion-Based Discrimination In Your Healthcare